Policies to review prior to registration
Sickness Policy:
A student must be fever, vomit, diarrhea, and rash free without medication for 24 hours to attend school.
Vaccination Policy:
Parents must provide a copy of up to date vaccination records in order for children to attend Grow Preschool.
Biting Policy:
First Offense:
Parents of children involved will be notified and event documented
Second Offense:
Parents of children involved will be notified and event documented
Child that bit must be picked up from school immediately
Third Offense:
Parents of children involved will be notified and event documented
Child that bit will be asked to take a break from school for determined time
Toileting Policy:
Students must be fully potty-trained to be in a 3, 4, or 5 year old class.
Therapist Policy:
Students must receive any necessary services outside of Grow Preschool.